hazel CLASS
Year 4 and 5
mISS Milner
Spring Term
Welcome to Hazel Class (Year 4 and 5) and our class page! On our class page we have details of our topics for this term as well as other useful information about Year 4 and 5 and websites that we use to help our learning. We love to share what we learn in school every day via our School Facebook page, so please follow us to see what we get up to.
Miss Milner
What will we be learning about this term?
23 degrees, 5 minutes (animation), Ancient Egypt (animation), A series of unfortunate events (Lemony Snicket), Room 13 (Robert Swindells)
Multiplication and Division, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages, Perimeter and Area, Statistics.
R.E. - 1st half term
What does it mean for a Jewish person to follow God?
R.E. - 2nd half term
Creation and science: conflicting or complementary?
Science - 1st half term
Year 4 - Eating and Digestion
Year 5 - Forces and Actions
Science - 2nd half term
Year 4 - Changes in sound
Year 5 - Changes and Reproduction
History - 1st half term
Why did the Ancient Egyptians build pyramids?
(Ancient Civilisation)
Geography - 2nd half term
What happens when the Land meets Sea?
Focus: rivers, seas, coastline, erosion
Art - 1st half term
Still Life
DT - 2nd half term
Food – Celebrating food and culture
P.E. – 1st half term
Forest School (Miss Milner - 1:00-3:00 Tues) and Football (coach AE – 1:00-2:00 Fri)
P.E. - 2nd half term
Netball (Miss Milner - 2:00-3:00 Wed) and Gymnastics (coach AE – 1:00-2:00 Fri)
French - 1st half term
On the Move (with Mrs Brewis).
Music - 2nd half term
(with Mrs Brewis).
PSHE / RSE – 1st half term
Dreams and goals - Aspirations, how to achieve goals and understanding the emotions that go with this
PSHE / RSE - 2nd half term
Healthy me
Being and keeping safe and healthy
Databases, Game Creator, 3D Modelling
Key information
Our arrival time each morning is 8.45-9.00am and we leave at 3.15pm.
What to bring to school
The children should bring in a water bottle which they will take home each day as well as their packed lunch (if they do not receive a school lunch). They do not need any other equipment such as pencil cases, stationary etc as they will have everything they need at their own desk.
PE days
Our PE days are a Tuesday and a Friday for the first half term. On these days, the children should come into school wearing their PE kit. They do not need to bring in their normal school uniform to get changed into, they will just stay in their PE kit all day. PE kit is: trainers, white PE t-shirt, purple shorts or plain black tracksuit bottoms, purple hoodie or purple school jumper.
Our PE days will be a Wednesday and a Friday during the 2nd half term.
Spellings will be posted on Class Dojo and children will have the same list for 1 week. It would be great if the children completed fun activities at home and we will be learning these spellings in class throughout the week.
The children are encouraged to read a variety of texts at home and share a love of reading with parents. There will be an opportunity to change library books every Wednesday.
Times tables
Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk)
Useful websites
Visit these websites for some games to practice your English skills.
Visit these websites for some games to practice your Maths skills.
Maths Zone Cool Learning Games – Maths Games and Learning Activties for Fun
This is a useful website to practice a range of different subject areas.