Chestnut class
Miss richards
Welcome to our classroom!
Our exploring zones
Our sleep zone!
Our focus zone
Click on the link below to see an introduction to Chestnut Class for parents and carers:
Welcome to Chestnut Class
Autumn Term 2024
Welcome to Reception and our class page! Hopefully you will find our class page useful. On our class page we have details of our topics for this term as well as other useful information about Reception. We love to share what we learn in school every day via Facebook, so please head over to our school Facebook to see what we have been up to. Here's to a great term!
Miss Richards
What will we be learning about this term?
Chosen texts: Colour Monster and The colour monster goes to school
The great big book of families
Owl Babies
The Rainbow Fish
Traditional Tales
The Christmas Story
The Jolly Christmas Postman
Getting to know you, Just like me, It's me 1, 2, 3!, Circles and Triangles, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and Shapes with 4 sides.
The Big story and Creation
Incarnation - Why do Christians perform nativity plays at Christmas?
Knowledge and Understanding of the world - The natural world
Exploring the world using my senses
My body
Material around me
Knowledge and Understanding of the world - Past and present
My own life story and family’s history
Guy Fawkes
Old and new toys
Knowledge and Understanding of the world - People, Cultures and Communities
My environment
My Community
Expressive Arts and Design
Mark making (Paul Klee)
Agility Space and movement and Catching and throwing
Outdoor Explorers - Forest School
Jigsaw: Being me in my world/Celebrating differences
Computing Reception
Using devices around me (such as iPads)
Keyboard, tracking and mouse skills
Charanga: Me! and My stories
Key Information
Our arrival time each morning is between 8.45 - 9.00am and we leave at 3.15. Reception children can be dropped off and picked up at the reception door (the door nearest the car park) in the EYFS area.
Bringing things in from home
The children should bring in a water bottle which they will leave in for the week and take home on a Friday. They need wellies that will stay in school. They do not need any other equipment.
PE/Forest school Days
Our PE day is a Tuesday and our Forest school day is a Thursday. On Tuesday, the children should come into school wearing their PE kit (it can be their purple shorts or black joggers/leggings). They do not need to bring in their normal school uniform to get changed into, they will just stay in their PE kit all day. For Forest school days, they should wear their normal PE t shirt, black track suit bottoms/leggings and purple school jumper or purple hoodie.
We have Core Homework linked to phonics (weekly) and Optional Topic Homework (half-termly). Please see a further explanation of our Homework approach this year in the letter below.
Supporting your child with reading:- Although your child will be taught to read at school, you can have a huge impact on their reading journey by continuing their practice at home.
There are two types of reading book that your child may bring home:
- A reading practice book - My book. This will be at the correct phonic stage for your child. They should be able to read this fluently and independently and will have already read this with an adult at school. This will be changed weekly.
- A sharing book - Our book. Your child will not be able to read this on their own. This book is for you both to read and enjoy together.
Your child will learn and practise their spellings within their phonics sessions. Any additional work will be sent home to help your child to practice their phonetical skills.
Spelling practice 2 x per week. Please see the attached list of words in our Chestnut Class Homework letter. These are the common exception words that children are expected to spell by the end of Key Stage 1. We teach spelling patterns in school across the year as well as these common exception words, however it would be beneficial for the children to practise spelling the words on the attached list at home across the year. The websites below are a great way to practise these words at home in a fun way.
Useful Websites
Visit these websites for some games to practice your English skills.
Mr Mc Phonics-
Visit these websites for some games to practice your Maths skills.
Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (
This is a useful website to practice a range of different subject areas.